Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas!

HHHelllllllo everyone! Merry Christmas! Did you get good stuff? Okay well here's what i got
-pink hollister sweatshirt
-hollister sweatpants and yoga pants
-glee karaoke
-glee season 1 on dvd
-2 glee journals
-glee calender
-glee phone charm
-purple phone case
-glitter spray :)
-vampires suck
-pink wii remote
-beauty and the beast diamond edition
-paris jewelry box
-paris journal
-tons of socks
-blanket and pillows and cover for my couch
and some other stuffff... :D weellll it was a very good christmas! until the wii extension pack we got broke our tv...that really ruined the holiday for me... :( ok well byeeeeeee

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


allo!!!!! HAPPY WINTER EVERYONE! IT WAS SNOWING TODAY!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D okay well now that i got that out of my system..wasssssssup? oh wait! don't answer that! this is MY blog! you can't write it! So take that! :P In musical theater we learned a WICKED hard tap routine and idek what to do... aha... the dorkestra concert was so fun! we played cool songs and i got to use my epic whip that actually kinda hurt :/ I am building my architectural masterpiece in tech ed! It's a cardboard house! yayyyy! We got our tree and it has pink lights and i think its gawjus! but it was raining when we went to get it...i didn't wanna go outside...i got to name the treee this the lee's are pleased to announce the newest member of the family
Real Ug Lee :)
hahhaha love you all!

Thursday, December 2, 2010


heyyyyy! so um whats gone on recently? dance is going well! in hiphop we were doing breakdancing moves! they were wicked hard and i couldn't do them :\ oh well. hmmm school is cool and i got a 100 on my science quiz today! yes! haha that is one confusing class... in orchestra i get to use a wood block at the recital! win! and mr.miller has a really cool trumpet solo that sounds like a horse....haha well im bored and stuff so toodleooooo