Saturday, October 2, 2010

le crayon de coleur bleu fonce

Yep so the title of this post is my halloween costume! For those who don't speak french, and couldn't put it together, it's a dark blue crayon! I also got blue hairspray and blue false eyelashes! It gaw-jus dahlin! I'm so excited! Haha anyway...... That eureka play we went to inspired me...I'll never make a bad math joke again! they ARE as stupid as they sound in your head! except "all i see is another math nerd getting crushed by his calculator" that's funny! haha well my lecture is done so um bye my pizza dinner is done cooking! :)


  1. now that is very creative. Make sure no one is an eraser.

  2. haha hannah that sounds cool! i'm not going to be a crayon anymore. i'm gonna be cleopatra!! HEHEHE
